This text is a translation of the original text in spanish exención de responsabilidad. In case of discrepancy between the two texts you agree that the spanish text takes priority over this translation.

  • As part of the conditions and terms of use, the user agrees that:

  • Without prejudice to the legal obligations of the application in the Spanish and European regulations, this software is provided without any express or implied warranties regarding the quality, reliability, compatibility, security, purpose, performance, precision or accuracy and non-infringement rights or legal compliance that may arise from its use regardless of the reason it occurred.

  • The use of this software implies that:

    • You accept all risks which might arise as a result of using this software.
    • You accept the consequences that may result from the use of EngrApp and the services it can provide both software functionality and purpose of use.
    • You accept responsibility for any circumstance that might occur involving injury to the user or a third party.
    • You release Sancus Media SL of any responsibility for negative or unintended consequences involving harm or crime of any kind.
    • You are responsible for any illegal use that you may cause because of the use of EngrApp involving any regulatory or legal breach.
    • You release Sancus Media SL from any liability in case of impossibility to access your information temporarily or permanently or because the loss of some or all user data placed in service either private or public.
    • You release Sancus Media S.L. from any liability for errors or inaccuracies in the information accessed through the application, as well as for information that may be outdated, incorrect, or for any reason does not reflect reality.
    • You agree that Sancus Media S.L. is not responsible for decisions made based on the information shared on the platform. Any action or omission by a user or a third party based on the information accessed through the service is the sole responsibility of the person making that decision, not Sancus Media S.L.
    • In case of discrepancy between the information on the website with a feature of the application, the features and functionality of the application rule over web information. You agree not to require the functionality of the web in case of discrepancy. Sancus Media invites you to send us a message with the discrepancies and we will, if we consider and as far as possible, to fill the gaps.
    • You acknowledge that when you deactivate an account in the EngrApp application, you are deactivating your user account on the platform and will no longer be able to access it from any application on the platform. You will lose all your groups and information. To use that user account again, you will need to reactivate it on the platform, but you will not have your history or information. For all purposes, you will be considered a new user by Sancus Media.
    • You release Sancus Media S.L. from any damage that may result from another person accessing your account. You are solely responsible for the safekeeping of your password for accessing the platform.

    Sancus Media SL can cede advertising space to third parties for marketing purposes through the use of EngrApp. Sancus Media SL is not responsible for third party advertisements that may appear on your terminal and is not responsible for the consequences that might arise from the use of third parties links to be displayed on your screen when using EngrApp. Sancus Media does not control third party links that may appear on the screen that may contain malicious software so Sancus Media SL can not offer guarantees on quality, integrity, or intentionality of third-party code. Sancus Media SL recommends using an antivirus of recognized solvency in order to protect your privacy and your terminal software.

    Sancus Media SL informs you that using third party links that may appear on your terminal when using EngrApp you could be exposed to offensive content to your moral integrity, Sancus Media SL does not assumes the consequences that the access to this type of content might have for you.

    If you receive through our service, information or advice from professional point of view (for example, medical or legal), that information is only for information purposes and should not be considered as professional advice. No action should be taken on the basis of any information contained in EngrApp. You should seek independent professional advice from a person who is licensed and / or is qualified in the area of advice.

    This text is a translation of the original text in spanish exención de responsabilidad. In case of discrepancy between the two texts you agree that the spanish text takes priority over this translation.

  • Please contact us if you have any suggestions or questions

    ENGRAPP is ready for you